Thursday, April 4, 2013


Spreadsheets have come a long way. People seem to use them for many different things now a days. I personally like using spreadsheets. It's a great way to keep things organized. They are very beneficial when used in the classroom. In my current classroom, we use spreadsheets for behavior contracts, ABC charts, and to keep track of parent phone calls that have been made throughout the month. The students also have their own copy of a spreadsheet to keep track of their behaviors throughout the day. If they receive an infraction due to misbehavior it is their responsibility to mark it in their success folder.

I personally use a spreadsheet to keep track of my daily log for my arrival and departure time everyday during student teaching. Each morning once I get to school I write the time that I have arrived and write the time I left that day. Each row represents the different weeks and each column represents the different days of the week. There is a slot to write down our time in and time out each day. It helps me keep organized and helps me keep track of how many hours I have spent at the school each day.

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